Beat the Heart Attack Gene - The Revolutionary Plan to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes
Bradley Bale, MD and Amy Doneen, ARNP, with Lisa Collier Cool

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in America. It affects 81 million Americans and is the culprit in one of every two deaths in the United States. Most people think they are not at risk of a heart attack if they control their cholesterol and blood pressure, but they aren’t aware of other major risk factors. The good news is that with the right information and strategies, heart attacks are preventable—even if heart disease runs in the family.
In "Beat the Heart Attack Gene", world-renowned cardiovascular specialists Bradley Bale, MD and Amy Doneen, ARNP, present a new model for understanding and preventing heart disease. They explain the three different genetic types of cholesterol profiles and tailor treatments for each type, using their cutting-edge BaleDoneen Method, a simple, comprehensive prevention plan that detects cardiovascular disease (CVD) at early stages. "Beat the Heart Attack Gene" includes easy quizzes and self-tests that show how to determine cholesterol genotype as well as advice for how to apply that knowledge through nutritional and lifestyle changes. For heart attack and stroke survivors, the BaleDoneen Method also helps prevent recurrences by identifying and treating what's triggering the patient's disease—a crucial step that many cardiologists neglect.
With their proven method utilized by healthcare professionals worldwide, Bale and Doneen empower readers by alerting them to potential health threats, and then offer personalized, evidence-based strategies so they can live healthy, active lives without fear of heart attack or stroke. Specifically, "Beat the Heart Attack Gene" addresses:
The Inflammation Syndrome - Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living
Jack Challem

Completely revised and updated - Jack Challem's powerful plan to safely prevent and overcome inflammatory disorders
Inflammation is what happens when our body's own defenses turn on us, which is a huge and growing problem. Written by the author of the groundbreaking "Syndrome X", this essential updated edition of "The Inflammation Syndrome" draws on cutting-edge research conducted around the world to provide a revolutionary approach to healing inflammation-related problems through an easy-to-follow nutrition and supplement program.
- Includes new recommendations for individualized diet and supplement plans
- Presents fourteen steps for restoring dietary balance, plus recipes and menu plans
- Reveals the powerful role inflammation plays in a wide variety of common health conditions–from simple aches and pains to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, and athletic injuries
- Features dramatic case histories and the latest information on dosage recommendations for anti-inflammation supplements such as fish oils, vitamins, and herbs
- Other books by Jack Challem: Syndrome X, The Food-Mood Solution, Feed Your Genes Right, and Stop Prediabetes Now
Read "The Inflammation Syndrome" and learn just how easy it can be to take charge of your diet and health.
The internationally renowned, clinically tested, revolutionary diet program to lose weight, fight disease, and live a longer, healthier life.
Can what you eat determine how long, and how well, you live? The clinically proven answer is yes, and The Longevity Diet is easier to follow than you'd think. The culmination of 25 years of research on aging, nutrition, and disease across the globe, this unique program lays out a simple solution to living to a healthy old age through nutrition. The key is combining the healthy everyday eating plan the book outlines, with the scientifically engineered fasting-mimicking diet, or FMD; the FMD, done just 3-4 times a year, does away with the misery and starvation most of us experience while fasting, allowing you to reap all the beneficial health effects of a restrictive diet, while avoiding negative stressors, like low energy and sleeplessness. Valter Longo, director of the Longevity Institute at USC and the Program on Longevity and Cancer at IFOM in Milan, designed the FMD after making a series of remarkable discoveries in mice, then in humans, indicating that specific diets can activate stem cells and promote regeneration and rejuvenation in multiple organs to significantly reduce risk for diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease. Longo’s simple pescatarian daily eating plan and the periodic fasting-mimicking techniques can both yield impressive results. Low in proteins and sugars and rich in healthy fats and plant-based foods, The Longevity Diet is proven to help you:
• Lose weight and reduce abdominal fat
• Extend your healthy lifespan with simple everyday changes
• Prevent age-related muscle and bone loss
• Build your resistance to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's and cancer
Longo’s healthy, life span-extending program is based on an easy-to-adopt pescatarian plan along with the fasting-mimicking diet no more than 4 times a year, just 5 days at a time. Including 30 easy recipes for an everyday diet based on Longo's five pillars of longevity, "The Longevity Diet" is the key to living a longer, healthier, more fulfilled life.
The Longevity Diet - Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging Fight Disease, and Optimize Weight
Valter Longo, PhD

How Not to Die - Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
Michael Greder, MD with Gene Stone

From the physician behind the wildly popular Nutrition Facts website, "How Not to Die" reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can help prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.
In "How Not to Die", Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-renowned nutrition expert, physician, and founder of, examines the fifteen top causes of premature death in America–heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson's, high blood pressure, and more–and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches to help prevent and reverse these diseases, freeing us to live healthier lives.
The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease. The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger's advice, all of it backed up by strong scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer.
History of prostate cancer in your family? Put down that glass of milk and add flaxseed to your diet whenever you can. Have high blood pressure? Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug–and without the side effects. Fighting off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease (the number 1 killer in the United States)? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks.
In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, "How Not to Die" includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen –a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day. Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.
The Airway Centric® Model prevents Airway-Centered Disorders, Sleep-Disordered Breathing to maintain mental and physical health. Learn how to recognize and correct Airway-Centered Disorders, Sleep-Disordered Breathing. "Gasp" is about our airway, breathing and sleep. Problems can start at birth. Many premature babies are mouth breathers. A poorly structured and functioning airway leads to mouth breathing, snoring and sleep apnea; it can interfere with restorative sleep and ultimately damage the part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, which controls executive function skills, attentiveness, anxiety and depression. Learn how to restore an ideal airway with early intervention, and where to go for help. Learn how once the airway is established with breastfeeding, allergy treatment, and other methods, neurocognitive and neurobehavioral problems are greatly improved—often without any medication. Anxiety and depression are alleviated, and the behavior and performance of children are remarkably transformed. Today there is a health movement toward “Wellness.” Wellness is about diet and nutrition, exercise, and mental attitude. The new paradigm is called “Functional Medicine.” It addresses the causes of chronic disease with an individualized approach and emphasizes early intervention. It restores the balance amongst functional systems and the networks that connect them. The missing link is airway, breathing, and sleep. If we don’t breathe well when we sleep, 1/3 of our life is affected. "Gasp" describes the impact of a narrowed airway from cradle to grave. Every day, we encounter fatigued patients with chronic headaches and neck pain. They have difficulty concentrating; they suffer with GI problems from acid reflux to irritable bowel syndrome. They range from thin women to men who have put on a few pounds. And you do not have to be obese to have an airway problem. Many of our younger patients with ADHD and airway issues have little body fat. Time after time we see that once the airway is opened during the day and maintained during sleep, the transformation is quick and dramatic. Breathing is life.
Gasp: Airway Health - The Hidden Path To Wellness
Dr. Michael Gelb and Dr. Howard Hindin with Rev. Carol Richardson

Oral health is a holistic health priority. "Your Mouth Your Life" by Jean-Max Jean-Pierre, DDS, MDS, is an easily understandable guide to the relationship between oral health and systemic health. Not only does Periodontist Jean-Max Jean-Pierre describe how the health of your mouth and what you eat affect inflammation in your body, but he also provides compelling research evidence and statistics surrounding the connection between oral health and a host of specific systemic disease conditions.
Untreated inflammation in the mouth—in the form of periodontal (gum) disease, dental abscess, and other infections, elevates levels of systemic inflammation and may actually cause vascular disease, respiratory disease, dementia, and diabetes in otherwise healthy individuals. Periodontal disease is a chronic problem for many individuals due to their genetic makeup, diet, tobacco use, oral hygiene, and other factors. According to a 2012 Centers for Disease Control study, in the USA, gum disease affects 56.4% of men, 38.4% of women, and 64.2% of smokers.
This book will help you realize just how critical it is to maintain good oral health and treat gum inflammation of any degree. You’ll know how your oral health puts you at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart attack, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney disease, respiratory disease, cancer—and more. You’ll also learn that systemic disease makes it more difficult to maintain the optimal oral health you need to improve your systemic disease condition.
If you suffer from heart disease, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or another of the many inflammatory diseases, you need to understand how neglecting your oral health and proper nutrition makes the disease condition worse. And, you need to know just how helpful improving your oral health can be in fighting inflammation throughout your body.
Twice-a-year visits to a dental hygienist simply are not adequate preventive care for millions of us. Optimal care to fight oral inflammation and thus the quality and longevity of your life is individualized. In this book, you will learn what you can do to take control of your periodontal health and the types of clinical treatments you may need on an occasional or frequent basis. If you have frequent or chronic gum inflammation or other oral infections, seeking the care of a periodontal specialist may save your life.
If you are suffering from systemic disease, you will be glad to know others have improved their health through active control of periodontal inflammation. Dr. Jean-Pierre has included stories about some of his patients with heart disease, diabetes, and severe arthritis, who have improved their whole health by complying with his recommended clinical treatment and oral hygiene regimen.
Almost 9% of the adult U.S. population has diagnosed diabetes, and about 11% has diagnosed cardiovascular disease. With so many fighting these diseases—and so many more at risk, you owe it to yourself to read this short book.
Blabber Mouth! 77 Secrets Only Your Mouth Can Tell You To Live a Healthier, Happier, Sexier Life
Susan Smallegan Maples, DDS, MSBA and Diana Kightlinger DeCouteau, MA
Surprising ways to protect yourself from heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy complications, depression, sexual issues and much more!

Your Mouth Your Life - The Connection of Oral Health To Whole Body Health
Jean-Max Jean-Pierre, DDS, MDS

There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat twenty-five thousand times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences.
Journalist James Nestor travels the world to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. The answers aren’t found in pulmonology labs, as we might expect, but in the muddy digs of ancient burial sites, secret Soviet facilities, New Jersey choir schools, and the smoggy streets of São Paulo. Nestor tracks down men and women exploring the hidden science behind ancient breathing practices like Pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya, and Tummo and teams up with pulmonary tinkerers to scientifically test long-held beliefs about how we breathe.
Modern research is showing us that making even slight adjustments to the way we inhale and exhale can jump-start athletic performance; rejuvenate internal organs; halt snoring, asthma, and autoimmune disease; and even straighten scoliotic spines. None of this should be possible, and yet it is.
Drawing on thousands of years of medical texts and recent cutting-edge studies in pulmonology, psychology, biochemistry, and human physiology, Breath turns the conventional wisdom of what we thought we knew about our most basic biological function on its head. You will never breathe the same again.

What if you could regain your youth?
After more than thirty years of study Don Colbert, MD, has finally solved the hormone puzzle. Now the answers you need are available, and with the latest groundbreaking information Dr. Colbert provides in this book, you no longer have to settle for simply balancing your hormones; you can OPTIMIZE them to return to the healthy, fit, and vibrant life you enjoyed in your twenties. It sounds too good to be true—but it’s not!
Hormones play a vital role in each of our lives, and the benefits of optimizing your hormone levels can include:
Increased energy, strength, ability to lose fat, and libido
Better moods, memory, and mental clarity
Improved relationships
Feeling younger, healthier, and happier
Dr. Colbert's Hormone Health Zone, dispels the myths about bioidentical hormones, sheds light on common hormone disruptors you need to avoid, and tells you what your doctor may not know about the proper tests, optimum hormone levels, and action steps you need to take to achieve your desired results. For years hormone imbalances have gone undiagnosed, but not anymore. Arm yourself with the latest information from a trusted source. A balanced, happy, healthy life is the goal, and getting in the zone—the hormone zone—is the way to achieve it.
Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life
David Perlmutter, MD with Kristin Loberg

Debilitating brain disorders are on the rise-from children diagnosed with autism and ADHD to adults developing dementia at younger ages than ever before. But a medical revolution is underway that can solve this problem: Astonishing new research is revealing that the health of your brain is, to an extraordinary degree, dictated by the state of your microbiome - the vast population of organisms that live in your body and outnumber your own cells ten to one. What's taking place in your intestines today is determining your risk for any number of brain-related conditions.
In Brain Maker, Dr. Perlmutter explains the potent interplay between intestinal microbes and the brain, describing how the microbiome develops from birth and evolves based on lifestyle choices, how it can become "sick," and how nurturing gut health through a few easy strategies can alter your brain's destiny for the better. With simple dietary recommendations and a highly practical program of six steps to improving gut ecology, Brain Maker opens the door to unprecedented brain health potential.
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar - Your Brain's Silent Killers
David Perlmutter, MD with Kristin Loberg

The devastating truth about the effects of wheat, sugar, and carbs on the brain, with a 4-week plan to achieve optimum health.
In Grain Brain, renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, exposes a finding that's been buried in the medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. Even so-called healthy carbs like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, epilepsy, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, decreased libido, and much more.
Groundbreaking and timely, Grain Brain shows that the fate of your brain is not in your genes. It's in the food you eat. The cornerstone of all degenerative conditions, including brain disorders, is inflammation, which can be triggered by carbs, especially containing gluten or high in sugar. Dr. Perlmutter explains what happens when the brain encounters common ingredients in your daily bread and fruit bowls, how statin drugs may be erasing your memory, why a diet high in "good fats" is ideal, and how to spur the growth of new brain cells at any age.
Dr. Perlmutter's revolutionary 4-week plan shows you how to keep your brain healthy, vibrant, and sharp while dramatically reducing your risk for debilitating neurological diseases as well as relieving more common, everyday conditions -- without drugs. Easy-to-follow strategies, delicious recipes, and weekly goals help you to put the plan into action. With a blend of anecdotes, cutting-edge research, and accessible, practical advice, Grain Brain teaches you how to take control of your "smart genes," regain wellness, and enjoy lifelong health and vitality.

If you're looking to dive deeper into preventative health and wellness, we recommend a number of books at The Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention Center of Central Ohio and Complete Health Dentistry of Columbus. Our collection features books on the oral-systemic connection, airway health, systemic inflammation, nutrition, and preventing heart disease. These books are available in our office or you can also find links below to order online. Ask us about the availability of signed copies of these books when you are in the office!
The BaleDoneen Method
The hidden cause of most heart attacks
Early prevention methods
The dangerous cholesterol most doctors don’t check
Major red flags for heart attack and stroke risk, including gum disease
The gene that increases cardiovascular risk as much as smoking
The best and worst supplements for your heart
10 surprising ways to prevent heart attacks

In the fall of 1995, Dr. Saray Stancic was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. By 2003, she walked regularly with a cane, had given up virtually all unnecessary physical activity, and was on numerous medications, all with horrible side effects.
After stumbling upon some studies that linked MS outcomes to diet and lifestyle, Dr. Stancic undertook a radically different approach to managing her illness. Within a relatively short time period she was off all MS medications, walking normally, resumed dancing, and in 2010 she ran a marathon!
Today she lives an active, symptom free life, and takes no medications for multiple sclerosis.
Now, in What’s Missing from Medicine: Six Lifestyle Changes to Overcome Chronic Illness, Dr. Stancic shares her own inspiring story and explains the incredible power that specific lifestyle changes can have for those living with chronic illness. Her prescription to prevent, treat, and even reverse chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and many others, is what readers will find in this book.
Dr. Stancic is also highly critical of the medical community’s lack of success when it comes to treating chronic illness, and that’s why What’s Missing from Medicine is both a prescription for a better life for each of us, as well as a clarion call for the medical establishment to make these lifestyle changes an integral part of the practice of medicine.

Everyone knows someone who has survived cancer, but no one knows anyone who has survived Alzheimer’s Disease. Until Now.
In his book The End Of Alzheimer’s, Dr. Bredesen unveils his groundbreaking protocol to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s disease. The Bredesen Protocol, known as ReCODE, fundamentally changes how we understand cognitive decline.
Relying on 40 years of work and research in medicine, Dr. Bredesen reveals that Alzheimer’s disease is not one condition, as it is currently treated, but three distinct conditions each impacting the brain differently. The End of Alzheimer’s outlines 36 metabolic factors (micronutrients, hormone levels, and sleep) that can trigger “downsizing” in the brain. The protocol shows us how to rebalance these factors using lifestyle modifications like taking B12, eliminating gluten, or improving oral hygiene.
The results? Two years after its release, The End Of Alzheimer’s, ReCODE, and the Bredesen Protocol continue to change lives, as evidenced by hundreds of testimonials.

In The End of Alzheimer’s Program, Dr. Dale Bredesen laid out the science behind his revolutionary new program that is the first to both prevent and reverse symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Now he lays out the detailed program he uses with his own patients. Accessible and detailed, it can be tailored to anyone’s needs and will enhance cognitive ability at any age.
What we call Alzheimer’s disease is actually a protective response to a wide variety of insults to the brain: inflammation, insulin resistance, toxins, infections, and inadequate levels of nutrients, hormones, and growth factors. Bredesen starts by having us figure out which of these insults we need to address and continues by laying out a personalized lifestyle plan. Focusing on the KetoFLEX 12/3 Diet, which triggers ketosis and lets the brain restore itself with a minimum 12-hour fast, Dr. Bredesen drills down on restorative sleep, targeted supplementation, exercise, and brain training. He also examines the tricky question of toxic exposure and provides workarounds for many difficult problems. The takeaway is that we do not need to do the program perfectly but will see tremendous results if we can do it well enough.
With inspiring stories from patients who have reversed cognitive decline and are now thriving, this book shifts the treatment paradigm and offers a new and effective way to enhance cognition as well as unprecedented hope to sufferers of this now no longer a deadly disease.

It has been said that everyone knows a cancer survivor, but no one knows an Alzheimer’s survivor. Now you can hear directly from the first survivors themselves — the first stories of hope.
Dale Bredesen’s first two books presented his groundbreaking research and the program that not only prevents but reverses cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Now at last we hear from the first survivors of this formerly fatal diagnosis.
These first person accounts honestly detail the fear, struggle, and ultimate victory of each patient’s journey. They vividly describe what it is like to have Alzheimer’s. They also drill down on how these patients made the program work for them — the challenges, the workarounds, the encouraging results that are so motivating. Dr. Bredesen includes commentary following each story to help point readers to the tips and tricks that might help them as well.
Dr. Bredesen’s patients have not just survived; they have thrived to rediscover fulfilling lives, rewarding relationships, and meaningful work. This book will give unprecedented hope to patients and their families.
Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain: The Personalized Path to Protect Your Memory, Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes, and Avoid Chronic Illness
Bradley Bale, MD and Amy Doneen, ARNP, with Lisa Collier Cool

Did you know that every forty seconds, someone in the US suffers a heart attack or stroke, and every sixty-five seconds someone develops dementia? The culprit is cardiovascular disease—and rates are soaring in younger, seemingly healthy people. Busting every myth we have about cardiovascular health, including that women are less likely to suffer from heart attacks and strokes, world-renowned cardiovascular specialists Bradley Bale, MD, and Amy Doneen, DNP, have pioneered a lifesaving method to prevent these devastating events—and reverse the disease that causes them.
The BaleDoneen Method transcends the medical silos of cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, and others with a holistic approach designed to protect and optimize the health of the heart, brain, and other vital organs, as well as the blood vessels that supply them. With laser-sharp focus, Bale and Doneen provide the latest research on how your oral health is contributing to the decline of your heart. Captivating and revolutionary, Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain is a unique and comprehensive program to prevent chronic diseases and memory loss in people of all ages regardless of their body type, medical history, or genes. Offering a roadmap to lifelong arterial wellness, it includes:
Precision medical methods to prevent diseases of aging
The best and worst supplements and foods for your heart
Ten lifestyle moves that lower dementia risk by 35 percent
Information about genes that raise cardiovascular risk as much as smoking
The top ten heart attack prevention tips for women